Why to Get Revision Rhinoplasty

Why to Get Revision Rhinoplasty

The nose is one of our most prominent facial features, and this means that if we are unhappy with the way it looks and chooses to undergo plastic surgery, even just a few small changes can drastically alter our appearance. This is great news if you choose a cosmetic surgeon who gets it right. However, all too often it doesn’t go quite as expected, which is usually the result of a bad rhinoplasty performed without the necessary skill, care, or attention. In fact, around 10% of rhinoplasties carried out in the United States result in patients seeking revision rhinoplasty to alter their original results. 


It’s important to note that revision rhinoplasty doesn’t necessarily always involve a major overhaul of the original procedure. A talented, skilled, and experienced rhinoplasty surgeon may be able to address the issues that you are experiencing by making a few simple alterations to your nose, rather than completely changing it. 


Reasons for Rhinoplasty Revision Surgery 


A rhinoplasty revision surgery is usually recommended for one of three reasons. These are as follows:


  • The original rhinoplasty results do not flatter and complement the patient’s appearance, causing them to be unhappy with the outcome of their surgery. This could occur because it is out of proportion with other facial features, the nose is not symmetrical or there are other cosmetic results that are unsatisfactory. It can take a considerable time for your nose to heal fully after rhinoplasty, but once it does, if there are still a few things that you would like to change about the way it looks or if you are deeply unhappy with the result, you should consider revision rhinoplasty.


  • The nose has healed well cosmetically, but not functionally, resulting in the patient experiencing breathing problems or issues such as sleep apnea. This is particularly common in patients who have had their nose made smaller, or if the septum – which is the area of cartilage between the nostrils – has been altered. Any breathing difficulties experienced following a rhinoplasty procedure should be addressed as a priority. 


  • The patient experienced trauma to the nose during the original rhinoplasty healing process which has affected the outcome. Just like any other part of our body, our nose can be affected by traumatic injuries, such as falling hitting our face on something or having a contact injury sustained from a person or piece of sporting equipment. In fact, our noses are slightly more fragile in the months after rhinoplasty because the cartilage and soft tissue have been restructured. While you’ll endeavor to take special care not to damage your nose, accidents do happen and if you do injure your nose after your original rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty is a way to repair the damage. 



Revision rhinoplasty should only be performed by a skilled and experienced revision rhinoplasty surgeon. There is no such thing as a straightforward revision, particularly since rhinoplasty is already considered one of the most technically challenging types of cosmetic surgery, and your revision surgery will also have to deal with the scarring inside the nose that occurred during your initial rhinoplasty procedure, as well as any other readjusted nasal structures. When you choose your revision surgery, make sure to do your research thoroughly and select a board-certified surgeon with a proven track record in rhinoplasty revisions. 




For more information about revision rhinoplasty or to schedule a consultation to discuss your requirements, please get in touch by calling our plastic surgery office in Plano TX today. 

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